Parasites and Detoxification
Headaches & Migraines

Headaches are one of the world's most common conditions and can be characterized by dull aching pain, throbbing or stabbing pain, pressure or even debilitating pain effects like nausea, vomiting, sound or light sensitivity, or vision changes. Some headache or migraine conditions can be made worse by weather changes, poor posture, computer use, hormones, low blood sugar, poor sleep, dehydration, jaw issues or even neck and upper back pain. In our office we seek to find the true (or multiple causes) of your headaches and formulating a plan to address these issues with chiropractic, home exercise, massage, jaw and cranial bone alignment, hormone balance, and sleep or dietary changes.
Parasites and Detoxification
Thyroid Issues

Thyroid issues can be very complex between pituitary signaling, HPA axis disorders, high levels of inflammation, nutritional deficiency, and the rise of auto immune conditions. Traditional medicine treatments focus on boosting T3 or T4 production without addressing any underlying or contributing conditions. Each patient will need to sit down with the doctor to discuss previous labs and treatment to determine if any other health issues could be contributing. We may also recommend a full thyroid lab panel to determine how your pituitary gland and thyroid gland are working and if we have any autoimmune conditions contributing.
Parasites and Detoxification
Allergies and Asthma

Allergies and asthma are both caused by an over-reaction of the immune system to allergens or inflammation causing restriction of airways. In our office we focus on finding and reducing inflammation levels and in some cases will also recommend lab testing to determine allergens from food or the environment. Nervous system imbalances between sympathetic/parasympathetic pathways in the nervous system can also be responsible for some over reactions so in many cases we also focus on checking the spine for nerve irritation that could be impacting these pathways.
Parasites and Detoxification
High Cholesterol

Did you know that cholesterol levels can be a result of not just diet but organ function too? When you are dealing with liver dysfunction, you will need to focus on what your body is trying to tell you and what system is working extra hard. Some folks may have nutritional deficiencies that make it hard for the liver to do its job and sometimes you may have other health conditions that need extra cholesterol to heal and function properly. We can review labs or order new labs to really break down what is going on and what things you can do at home to get levels back in normal range. Nutritional supplements to support liver function and nutritional deficiency can be very helpful.
Parasites and Detoxification
Fertility & PCOS

Fertility issues and PCOS diagnoses are becoming more and more common in the world today. In many cases, hormone imbalance, stress levels, and toxin overload can be contributing factors. We offer lab testing in our office to determine how stress and toxins may be influencing your health and whether you have a hormone imbalance or deficiency causing your symptoms. Whether you are having periods, skipping periods, or even on the verge or in the midst of menopause we can provide guidance on what is going on in your body and how to get back on the right track for less mood swings, easier weight loss, and normal ovulation cycles.
Parasites and Detoxification
Low Testosterone & Prostate Issues

Low testosterone levels can contribute to loss of muscle mass and bone density, hair loss, low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue and irritability, difficulty with mood and concentration and increased risk for prostate issues including increased risk for prostate cancer. Prostate health is very important for fertility but inflammation can lead to pain and issues with voiding urine. In our office, we have found that taking a big picture look at your overall health, hormones, and health history can give us an idea what your symptoms may be coming from.
Parasites and Detoxification
High Inflammation

High inflammation is a huge concern and one of the largest impacts on other health issues and conditions. High inflammation can lead to delayed healing and organ dysfunction. For this reason, we always like to sit down and review possible inflammation factors in your life, diet, health, and even with cleaning or care products you use in your home that could be contributing.
Parasites and Detoxification
Attention Deficit and Spectrum Disorders

When dealing with brain function issues such as developmental or behavior delays, we can determine if there is a brain imbalance or weaker area of the brain that may need focus and exercise to improve balance or if perhaps there may be a physical pressure due to cranial bone misalignment. In addition, we have found that digestive issues, food allergies, gut flora imbalance, and nutritional deficiencies have a huge impact on brain function as well.
Parasites and Detoxification
Bone Density and Posture

As we load our joints, our bodies maintain our supportive bony framework. When we lose bone density this can be a sign that our body is not absorbing minerals and vitamins from our food or sometimes that we are not loading the joints correctly due to altered posture. In our office we focus on improving posture and digestion and giving you homework exercises to help improve and maintain bone density to prevent injury.
Parasites and Detoxification
Jaw Clicking and TMJ

Jaw alignment issues can contribute to ear pain, headaches, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), neck pain and in some cases even sinus pressure. In many cases, chiropractic alignment treatments and massage with a home exercise program can work wonders to realign the joints and restore normal muscle balance. If certain food textures or activities tend to be a problem you may need more hands on treatment or exercise customization to get stability. However, we can also work with your dentist or TMJ specialist to determine if there is ligament or joint damage and if you may need an orthotic or bite splint to prevent overloading of the TMJ.
Parasites and Detoxification
Heartburn & GERD

Heartburn, acid reflux, GERD, and stomach pain have a lot in common: Inflammation. When the lining of your stomach isn't thick enough or working correctly this can lead to inflammation of the stomach lining, ulcers, and even pain after eating. Antacids tend to neutralize acid rather than heal the problem so in our office we focus on regrowing the lining, reducing inflammation, and getting that lining working properly again. In addition, the nerves in your mid and lower back also control function for these organs so we will also check your spine and nerves for any contributing factors.
Parasites and Detoxification
Irritable Bowel & Crohn's

Gut inflammation is no fun and when your body is dealing with chronic inflammation and pain it can also affect many other body systems. We have found that IBS and Crohn's tend to be caused by inflammatory cytokine formation in the gut that can cause intense cramping pain and intestinal discomfort. We typically focus on looking at your diet and medications for side effects first and then looking for the source of inflammation. We may recommend supplements to soothe and heal the intestines or in some cases lab testing may be helpful to determine foods that could be making your problem worse or even if you have a bacteria imbalance in the gut causing issues.
Parasites and Detoxification
Bloating and Gas

Bloating in the stomach or abdomen can be a sign of bacteria or yeast overgrowth. This condition can be worsened by antibiotic use, food poisoning, poor diet, and especially heartburn or other digestive issues. In our office we focus on determining where the problem lies and combining dietary change, herbal supplements, and probiotics to help rebalance bacteria levels and help your body to heal.
Parasites and Detoxification
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection

Repeat or recurrent infections can indicate a functional problem such as ureter backflow or not emptying fully but in our office we have also seen physical issues like spine and pelvis misalignment, pelvic floor dysfunction, or even nerve pressure in the lumbar spine that could be contributing. In addition, your bladder also has a mucus lining similar to the stomach that can have inflammation or thinning that can also contribute to recurrent infections and pain as well.
Parasites and Detoxification
Auto Immune Conditions

Auto immune conditions are caused by an overactivity of the immune system to your body's own cells. This overactivity can lead to your body's immune cells attacking and damaging organ or joint systems, destroying hormones, interfering with healing response, and also leading to nutritional deficiency. In some cases, your auto immune condition can be a result of an upstream problem further up the chain of function and in other it may be a result of a specific organ that is damaged. In our office, we focus on looking at the whole chain of function and determining which organs, hormones, and nutrient levels are not working or in the proper range before formulating a health plan.
Parasites and Detoxification
Concussion and Sports Injury

Concussion and sports injuries can cause irreversible damage so when injuries happen it is extremely important to get them evaluated and treatment started quickly. Our office works with other local providers to make sure your injury is being managed properly and also offer advice on how to support or improve the healing response.
Parasites and Detoxification
Weight Management

Our office focuses on a holistic approach to weight loss with the incorporation of diet, exercise, hormone balance and long term lifestyle changes so you can lose the weight and keep it off for good.
Parasites and Detoxification
Parasites and Toxins

1/3 Americans will deal with parasites in their lifetime because most of our food is shipped from overseas. In addition due to the high level of chemicals used in processing of our foods, the phalates used in packaging, and pesticides used in farming our bodies are overwrought with detoxification processes and sometimes may have issues eliminating these toxins. By eliminating toxins stored in your body you will have more energy, better sleep, better focus, and it will be easier to lose weight as well.